BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
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What’s new in Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 RR
The following features were added:
- A new transfer processor has been added so that completed briefcases can be transferred while new briefcases are being created simultaneously.
- The BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide and BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework User's Guide were updated.
- The Transfer Ownership command has been added to the document selection shortcut menu.
- A new Export section is supported in vault configuration files. The new settings ExportRenditions and ExportRenditionRedlines can be set to True to synchronize renditions with collaborating vaults.
The following features were removed:
- SharePoint Locations Manager
- Site groups support
- Star topology support
- Lookup list and table entry replication as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2011 SP1 Administrator's Guide.
The following issues were resolved:
- The GCFHideCollaborationStatus function did not hide the Collaboration Status property page, but only hid the controls on the page.
- When used with master documents and project copies, the GCF required registration of the GcfFolder extension or errors would result. The extension is no longer required, but optional.
- GCF 2011 SP1 did not enlist sites upon the creation of documents when the AutoEnlistAllSites setting was set to True.
- If custom code was added to the VBScript function BrcEvent_BeforeCreate, the GCF did not handle the event properly and did not allow skipping the custom code for GCF-specific operations.
- The GCF sent an unsupported remote command when replicating role assignments.
- Ownership transfers in cross-site workflow operations would fail if the GCF tables were stored in SQL Server Compact Edition. Reference updates were also sent repeatedly.
Note Passwords entered in the new .NET GCFConfiguration extension might not be correctly decrypted by GCF processors built with Visual Basic 6. As a result, the GCF import processor cannot make a remote call to clear the InTransit flag, which will result in the error Access denied.
There are two possible workarounds:
- Use simple password that contain only letters.
- Do not encrypt the password. To prevent encryption, enter the password with a leading underscore "_". For example, if the password is GCF12345, enter it as _GCF12345. The password will be stored in the GCF tables as clear text.
Note No changes were made to the GCF/SharePoint module except for updating the BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint Administrator's Guide.
The following file names were changed:
- script2010NET.bas to MainScript.bas
- Script2010.bas to MainScript_WithEvents.bas
- Server2Server2010.bas to Server2Server.bas
- Script2010SharePoint.bas to WebPortalScript.bas
- AMBrc_SharePoint.ini removed